Multi-Domain Designer, Creative Technologist, Interaction Researcher

Camille MacRae is a designer focused on creating and communicating speculative futures. She is driven by an insatiable curiosity regarding technological advancement and a deep desire to create a her own version of the world so that she is not living in someone else’s. Her practice is research-based, and characterized by a constant zooming out to study the edges of emerging technologies and how to leverage them.

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Camille aims to challenge assumptions and spark interest by showing viewers a sliver of a potential future, that while improbable is not impossible. Storytelling with design has the power to foster thoughtful dialogues and invite critical examinations of our relationship with technology, and its future. She aims to provoke thinking and discussion that considers the broader implications of emerging technologies and hopefully motivate humanity to contribute to a more thoughtful and conscientious future.

In her mission to create (often diegetic) prototypes to encompass the future she is trying to describe, Camille forces the audience to play anthropologist moving forward in time. She invites the viewers to immerse themselves in these carefully crafted glimpses of speculative realities.